Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A secret to Joy in Life

Hoping this email reaches you in good health and happy spirits!

There's something surprising many people don't know about. I don't know why that is, but I want you to know
that 1 of the fundamental, most important aspects of our service to G-d (& very much important in our own lives) is happiness-serving
G-d with joy. Many Jews go to synagogue. Unfortunately, sometimes it's only on days like Yom Kippur (the most solemnn day of the yr.), and they end up skipping out on Purim, Sukkot, and all of the other very fun days in our calendar.
Judaism, the life of a Jew, must always be approached with Joy. But that's not always so easy....

There is an extremely effective way our sages teach us to be happy: To know, and always remind ourselves, that EVERYTHING we see
and everything that occurs in our lives, is "Hashgacha Pratis"-Divine Providence. G-d isn't Hanging out in heaven watching the world; rather
He Runs everything that occurs to every individual-from your near car crash to the stubbing of your toe! (Even Einstein said: "I am convinced that God does not play dice (with the world").
Chassidic Philosophy (Jewish Mysticism) goes a step further, and teaches us that G-d even Decides the direction in which each and every leaf falls from a tree!
Meaning, that our whole day is run by G-d-He Helps us and we must know always that He's running the show. Therefore: "Damn, I'm stuck in traffic! It's just not fair!" Could rather be: "for some reason, G-d Decided this should be. It must therefore really be for my best benefit." Who knows, maybe in free-flowing traffic you were supposed to be in a car accident? (G-d Forbid :)
How do we know though that G-d Truly Runs everything in the world, and that he even cares about us and our little, minute daily lives?!
The stories abound; both that I've heard, and that have occurred to me in my own life-things too coincidental...
these miracles enclothed in nature that happen to us from time to time, are signs to us that EVEN the boring day-to-day activities are overseen and run by G-d! It's like when you walk into Sears and you hear a beautiful piano melody playing. You think it's 1 of those pianos that are automated to play on their own. Then you hear a mistake. Now you realize there was Someone behind playing the melody the whole time.
These "glitches" in our lives is the open divine providence, that shows us that G-d Was really behind everything the whole time. We just have to be sensitive enough to notice them and thank G-d who helps our every step "i n his heart a man plans his course but the Lord directs his steps."

Through recognizing G-d's Hand throughout our day, we can be calmer and more joyful in our lives.

Shabbat Shalom!