This week’s Torah portion is "Vayishlach" meaning "And He sent." “Yakov sent angels before him to greet Esav, his brother.” Afraid of his brother's evil intentions, Yakov sends him messengers with gifts, as well as a message: “Im Lavan garti — With Lavan I have sojourned.” After 20 years away from home, working with his deceptive uncle Lavan, Yakov summed up the approach he had taken throughout these years: “With Lavan I have sojourned." During all those years, Yakov treated his situation like a stranger making a stop in a foreign place. He was sojourning - just passing through.
There is an awesome story told about the foremost disciple of the Baal Shem Tov - Dov Ber of Mezeritch. It happened once that a Jewish traveler was passing through the city of Mezeritch, and decided it would be wise to visit the holy Dov Ber. Knocking on the door, unsure of what to expect, the traveler was shocked to find a decrepit, empty room, save one chair and a table. "For such a great man, this is how he lives!?" Sensing his thoughts, Rabbi Dov Ber asked him: "Where are all of your belongings? Your furniture, your jewels?" Puzzled, the man answered: "But Rabbi, I'm only passing through your town!" The Rabbi, surveying the room, smiled and said: "I am also just passing through."
During our allotted years on this earth (may we live many happy and healthy years!) we are travelers on a mission. We mustn't get too comfortable and attached to all the materiality offered by the world. We must stay focused on doing and contributing good; on our mission. It's interesting to note that the numerical equivalent of the word "garti (I sojourned)" is 613. Through Yakov's treating of the materialism around him as secondary, he was better able to perform the 613 Mitzvot of the Torah.
So the next time you see a 50% sale at the Quicksilver store...give 20$ to charity! (say what?) Or if you're cheap, put on Tefillin (boy) or light Shabbos candles (girl), for through this we succeed in turning the world that we're traveling in,
into a true home for Hashem and ourselves.
Shabbat Shalom!