Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Rosh Hashanah - The 6th Day

The Rosh Hashanah service centers around the sounding of the shofar. The shofar blasts are a wakeup call to examine our deeds and turn to a more wholesome and Jewish way of living. They also symbolize the coronation of God as King; much like trumpets at the anointing ceremonies of old. A question may arise: How can lowly mortal beings have an ability to anoint an Infinite God? Imagine walking into your back yard one afternoon. You spot a small anthill and, walking up to it, announce proudly that you are king of this great ant nation. It's absurd. To be a true king, one has to have a nation of a relatable quality.

The answer is very powerful: We can anoint God as our king because we are close to Him. When God formed each aspect of creation - from the angels in the highest of heavens to the lowest creatures of the sea bed, the Torah says: "He Spoke." But when He created man and woman, the Torah says God "Blew" a soul into their bodies. Metaphorically speaking, there is a clear difference between speech and deep breath. One can speak for hours without pause, for one uses his external breath with a minimum output. A deep breath however, comes from the innermost depths of a person, and therefore leaves him quite breathless. When God created each of us, He placed a precious soul from His innermost depths within our bodies. Our nation therefore, is close to Him, and able on Rosh Hashanah to crown Him as King for another year. Incredibly, our Sages say He cannot be King unless we do!

This also explains why Rosh Hashana - celebrating the Beginning of the year and of original creation - is actually marked on the 1st of Tishrei, which was the 6th day of creation, when Adam & Eve were formed. The Mystics explain that this is because God's Intention for all of creation, was all for the sake of the human being. On that original Rosh Hashanah day, King David in Psalms describes what happened in the Garden of Eden: "Come, let us prostrate ourselves and bow down; let us bend the knee before the Lord, our Maker." (Psalms 95:6) Adam brought the animals and all of creation together, to recognize God's role in their lives. We are here in order to perfect creation, the only ones able and entrusted to bring the world to an awareness of truth.

May you and yours be inscribed & sealed for a good and sweet year!