Dear Friends & family, I hope this e-mail finds you in good health
& spirits (and if not, may this email improve them!) May you all have great success for this coming year
& a Shabbat Shalom!
WHEN Adam and Chava were created, the Torah states: "Va-yaniche-u B'gan Eden, L'avdah U'leshamra"-And G-d Placed them in the Garden of Eden, to work it and guard it."
Our souls were brought down to this physical world, placed here to work the land, to make it into a better place. We are "gardeners" - placed here to beautify this world, and make it a dwelling place for Hashem. To sit in yeshiva (like I am ;) is only a preparation to do this; it isn't the essential point. The reason for our birth and preservation in this world, is to go out into the world and affect it positively; to be a "light unto the nations." All peoples have this job, but us Jews we're primarily entrusted to be examples of goodness and spread light; starting from Abraham and continuing at the giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai - until today. To go out of the closed walls of our personal comfort zone, and retain our inner values and morals takes courage, but we can do it!
SO with this in mind, I have attached here a few videos that exemplify this; of being a "Kiddush Hashem" - Sanctifying G-d's Name and spreading kindness and warmth to the world around us. I'm primarily a visual person, so I love videos which I feel oftentimes can speak louder then words. Over the years I have seen some very nice, very inspirational ones. Here are some I thought you may like; Short, but extremely powerful and inspirational. Choose one to watch, it's worth it! (I listed them in order of my liking ;)
1) Chabad Principal goes to Bronx & revives school (I know this guy, he's amazing):
2) Matisyahu: a)
3) Man gives millions to unemployed:
I have to run for Shabbat, but be well everyone, and I hope to see you all here in yerushalayim very soon!
Jerusalem, Israel