Hey everyone, I hope this e-mail finds you in healthy and happy spirits!
You know, living in Jerusalem while learning deep, sacred texts of Jewish thought, and meeting and hearing from so many special people from all around every day, I learn many inspiring life lessons. It's therefore very hard for me to choose 1 to try and give over once every week or 2 in this email. But I appreciate any of you who read them and share them, and to those who send me feedback. Thanks a lot and I hope you enjoy them
Imagine you could meet your king. Imagine you were hanging out with friends on a simple Wednesday afternoon, and the king walked into your very room.
Imagine no more...
The last month of the Jewish year (which begins on Friday) is called 'Elul.' Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi explains the special opportunity we are given in this month to connect to G-d, with the following parable:
A King decides to leave his palace, leave his large city, and enter the fields where the simple farmers work. There, ALL are able to come and meet the King, who embraces them with a shining and happy countenance.
The mystics teach us that 'Elul' is an acronym in Hebrew for: 'Ani Le'dodi Ve'dodi Li' - "I am to my Beloved, and My Beloved is to me." (When soccer star David Beckham found out he had some Jewish roots, he tattoed these words on his arm. Warning: I'm not implying this..;)
These words signify the reality which is this month of Elul. G-d, our King, "comes to our field" - He Becomes Much more accessible to us - "My Beloved is to me." When we try to connect, it meets with more success. But like the parable of the simple people going out to greet their King, we also have to put in some sort of extra effort to reach out to our King - "I am to my Beloved." And our King is Excitedly Anticipating our coming, with a shining Countenance. Let's seize this amazing opportunity in this auspicious month before the High Holidays (which our mystics describe as the time when we leave the field together and enter into the actual palace, alone with our King.)
But let's not forget the special quality that this month has, that of the King Being with us in the simle "field." For these 30 days Hashem Becomes more apparent to us WHEREVER we are holding in life, low or high, field or palace. Most of us are field people; we aren't always that lofty and righteous. But regardless of where we stand, the King Ventures to us in our field, ready to connect on our level. All we have to do is greet him.
Good luck and have a great month!
Jerusalem, Israel
Hey everyone, I hope this e-mail finds you in healthy and happy spirits!
You know, living in Jerusalem while learning deep, sacred texts of Jewish thought, and meeting and hearing from so many special people from all around every day, I learn many inspiring life lessons. It's therefore very hard for me to choose 1 to try and give over once every week or 2 in this email. But I appreciate any of you who read them and share them, and to those who send me feedback. Thanks a lot and I hope you enjoy them
Imagine you could meet your king. Imagine you were hanging out with friends on a simple Wednesday afternoon, and the king walked into your very room.
Imagine no more...
The last month of the Jewish year (which begins on Friday) is called 'Elul.' Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi explains the special opportunity we are given in this month to connect to G-d, with the following parable:
A King decides to leave his palace, leave his large city, and enter the fields where the simple farmers work. There, ALL are able to come and meet the King, who embraces them with a shining and happy countenance.
The mystics teach us that 'Elul' is an acronym in Hebrew for: 'Ani Le'dodi Ve'dodi Li' - "I am to my Beloved, and My Beloved is to me." (When soccer star David Beckham found out he had some Jewish roots, he tattoed these words on his arm. Warning: I'm not implying this..;)
These words signify the reality which is this month of Elul. G-d, our King, "comes to our field" - He Becomes Much more accessible to us - "My Beloved is to me." When we try to connect, it meets with more success. But like the parable of the simple people going out to greet their King, we also have to put in some sort of extra effort to reach out to our King - "I am to my Beloved." And our King is Excitedly Anticipating our coming, with a shining Countenance. Let's seize this amazing opportunity in this auspicious month before the High Holidays (which our mystics describe as the time when we leave the field together and enter into the actual palace, alone with our King.)
But let's not forget the special quality that this month has, that of the King Being with us in the simle "field." For these 30 days Hashem Becomes more apparent to us WHEREVER we are holding in life, low or high, field or palace. Most of us are field people; we aren't always that lofty and righteous. But regardless of where we stand, the King Ventures to us in our field, ready to connect on our level. All we have to do is greet him.
Good luck and have a great month!
Jerusalem, Israel
May you be inscribed & Sealed for a good & sweet year!
Remember: Your next deed will change the world. Make it a good one!
Remember: Your next deed will change the world. Make it a good one!
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