This e-mail is dedicated to the speedy recovery of Lior ben Me'irah

In this week's Torah portion, we read the famous story of Noah and the flood, which was brought
upon the earth b/c of the rampant immorailty of the time. Noah was told by G-d to build an ark over a long period of time, to inspire those around him to repent before the upcoming flood. But to no avail. As the rain began to fall and the flood waters rose,
Noah and his family entered the ark which provided them w/ warmth and shelter for the coming year.
Finally the waters began to recede and Noah's ark came to a rest.
Together with his family, Noah left the ark in order to rebuild the world in a righteous manner.
A very nice story.
But what practical application can I apply to my life today from such a story?
I mean, there was a pretty hectic tsunami a few years ago, but in California I'm mainly worried about fires, and a wooden ark wouldn't do me too much good.
In addition, we are taught that every story of the Torah has a relevant lesson
to our lives in whatever generation we find ourselves in.
So what lesson can we learn from Noah, the flood, and the ark?
Chassidic Philosophy explains, that in our day and age, the "flood waters" that threaten to drown us aren't waves of water, but rather the physical and financial worries that inundate us.
For someone who desires to live a meaningful life, how is it possible to get beyond the everyday work-related worries, and the vast amount of daily distractions and hassles?
The answer to our problem can be found in what G-d Told Noah to do when confronted with a flood: "enter the ark." For us today, we are being told: "Enter a place where you can find the inspirational warmth and protection to propel you over the powerful waves of this world."
This spiritual 'ark' can take on many forms.
For example, the Hebrew word written in the Torah for Noah's 'ark' is 'teivah.'
Now approach any Israeli and ask them what 'teivah' means, and they'll respond: 'a word.'
So the 1st way to succeed in surviving these flood waters is to enter the words;
the words of prayer and Torah learning.
These 'words' help us float above the flood of everyday worries, and help guide our lives in a peaceful manner.
Prayer was instituted every day for this very reason. Every morning we wake up to the same flood waters, prodding us constantly to become work obsessed and preaching to our minds the words of Machiavelli that the "end justifies the means." Prayer, and the learning of Torah, strengthen us to remember to every day treat every person we meet with respect and fairness. To propel us to a more meaningful day in all that we do. To realize a higher purpose in our dealings with the world. Business is to be conducted hoenstly. Money is primarily to help our children's education and to help others. Life is to be lived higher...
This is our daily "ark."
But G-d Knew that we would need an extra-special ark that could strengthen us for
our entire week of immersion in the flood waters of life.
And that's Shabbat.
Shabbat is a day to reflect and remember the purpose of life, and to gather spiritual strength.
I heard a nice analogy yesterday.
Imagine you were gazing at a beautiful painting. Admiring the vast intricacies and amazing colors of this work of art, you came to feel great respect for the artist's painting skill.
But what do you feel about the artist himself?
What do you know about him at all?
The 6 days of the week, from Sunday to Friday, are times when we can appreciate G-d's beautiful world. But a special opportunity to try and connect to who G-d Is beyond creation, beyond the 'artwork' - His Intention & Purpose behind this complex and beautiful world, that opportunity comes on Shabbat.
May we all enter whatever ark we can, to help propel us over the flood waters of life with great success, and enter the world to build it into a more pleasant, happy and meaningful world.
Shabbat Shalom!
Jerusalem, Israel
This e-mail is dedicated to the speedy recovery of Lior ben Me'irah

In this week's Torah portion, we read the famous story of Noah and the flood, which was brought
upon the earth b/c of the rampant immorailty of the time. Noah was told by G-d to build an ark over a long period of time, to inspire those around him to repent before the upcoming flood. But to no avail. As the rain began to fall and the flood waters rose,
Noah and his family entered the ark which provided them w/ warmth and shelter for the coming year.
Finally the waters began to recede and Noah's ark came to a rest.
Together with his family, Noah left the ark in order to rebuild the world in a righteous manner.
A very nice story.
But what practical application can I apply to my life today from such a story?
I mean, there was a pretty hectic tsunami a few years ago, but in California I'm mainly worried about fires, and a wooden ark wouldn't do me too much good.
In addition, we are taught that every story of the Torah has a relevant lesson
to our lives in whatever generation we find ourselves in.
So what lesson can we learn from Noah, the flood, and the ark?
Chassidic Philosophy explains, that in our day and age, the "flood waters" that threaten to drown us aren't waves of water, but rather the physical and financial worries that inundate us.
For someone who desires to live a meaningful life, how is it possible to get beyond the everyday work-related worries, and the vast amount of daily distractions and hassles?
The answer to our problem can be found in what G-d Told Noah to do when confronted with a flood: "enter the ark." For us today, we are being told: "Enter a place where you can find the inspirational warmth and protection to propel you over the powerful waves of this world."
This spiritual 'ark' can take on many forms.
For example, the Hebrew word written in the Torah for Noah's 'ark' is 'teivah.'
Now approach any Israeli and ask them what 'teivah' means, and they'll respond: 'a word.'
So the 1st way to succeed in surviving these flood waters is to enter the words;
the words of prayer and Torah learning.
These 'words' help us float above the flood of everyday worries, and help guide our lives in a peaceful manner.
Prayer was instituted every day for this very reason. Every morning we wake up to the same flood waters, prodding us constantly to become work obsessed and preaching to our minds the words of Machiavelli that the "end justifies the means." Prayer, and the learning of Torah, strengthen us to remember to every day treat every person we meet with respect and fairness. To propel us to a more meaningful day in all that we do. To realize a higher purpose in our dealings with the world. Business is to be conducted hoenstly. Money is primarily to help our children's education and to help others. Life is to be lived higher...
This is our daily "ark."
But G-d Knew that we would need an extra-special ark that could strengthen us for
our entire week of immersion in the flood waters of life.
And that's Shabbat.
Shabbat is a day to reflect and remember the purpose of life, and to gather spiritual strength.
I heard a nice analogy yesterday.
Imagine you were gazing at a beautiful painting. Admiring the vast intricacies and amazing colors of this work of art, you came to feel great respect for the artist's painting skill.
But what do you feel about the artist himself?
What do you know about him at all?
The 6 days of the week, from Sunday to Friday, are times when we can appreciate G-d's beautiful world. But a special opportunity to try and connect to who G-d Is beyond creation, beyond the 'artwork' - His Intention & Purpose behind this complex and beautiful world, that opportunity comes on Shabbat.
May we all enter whatever ark we can, to help propel us over the flood waters of life with great success, and enter the world to build it into a more pleasant, happy and meaningful world.
Shabbat Shalom!
Jerusalem, Israel
very insightful. thanks for that inspiration daniel.