Does the spiritual exist? Do I have a soul? Is there a Divine Life-force beyond the physical?
Well, let's take a trip back in time for a moment and imagine we were sitting in a preschool class (Oh the good old days :).
The teacher takes out a few pictures depicting the weather:

The 1st picture depicts a sunny day. "What's the weather?" The teacher asks. "Sunny!" Everyone yells.
How did they know? Because they saw the sun and its rays.
Next comes a picture depicting a rainy day. The children all guess correctly again, pointing to the dark clouds and numerous rain drops.
Now comes the 3rd picture.

"What's the weather here?" Asks the teacher.
"It's windy!" Everyone yells.
But wait! How did they know?? There's no wind to point to!
Well, one can see the effects of the wind - the leaves flying off, the man and kite bending backward, etc.
Let's take Love. It can't be seen, it can't be weighed or heard. But its effects are blatant.
Radio waves are everywhere. But I don't see them!? Well, bring a radio into your room, turn it on, and you'll hear the waves.
The waves just needed a proper vessel to express themselves.
The SOUL can't be seen. It can't be heard.
But its effects are apparent. And like radio waves, the soul too needs a body to express itself and to carry out its mission.
If you look at the Hebrew words for wind and rain, you discover something fascinating.
Wind in Hebrew is Ruach, as is the word for soul or spirit. Spirituality is Ruchaniyut (Wind, like that which is spiritual, can't be seen.)
Rain is Geshem; physicality is Gashmiut. (Rain, like all things physical, is seen.)
So too by the Spiritual G-dly Life Force that sustains our world. It may not be seen, but through its effects (like Divine Providence - see last email ;)
and the world's vitality, we can deduce its existence.
{To see more on the subject, look here}.
May we keep our eyes and ears attuned to that which isn't openly seen or heard, and sense the subtleties of this world; the
silent underlying force behind life - in the world & in us.
'...And a great and strong wind splitting mountains and shattering boulders before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake-not in the earthquake was the Lord. After the earthquake - fire, not in the fire was the Lord. And after the fire a still, soft sound.' (Melachim-I Kings, Ch.19 verses 11-12)
Shabbat Shalom!
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