There's a story told of a music reporter who was looking for a good article. Hearing of an exceptional violinist living in his own very town, the man set out to contact him for an exclusive interview. The violinist acquiesced and a date was set.
As the interview neared, the reporter received a call from the violinist,
regretfully informing him that he wouldn't be able to make it. "There is a very special violin ensemble playing in concert that night. It will be aired on the radio and I can't bare to miss it."
Knowing that he could learn a lot by just observing this great musician, the reporter quickly responded: "No problem! I'd be happy to come by and just listen to the concert with you."
"Are you sure? Well, fine. But I don't want to hear a PEEP from you during this concert." The reporter agreed, and at the appointed night, he appeared at the violinist's door.
"Not a peep!" said the musician, as they settled into their chairs. With a nod, the radio was turned on, and the concert began. The violinist immediately began focusing intensely on the music
coming from the radio. The reporter, meanwhile, observed the violinist, searching his facial expressions to glean any reaction he may have to the music being played.
As the music flowed, the reporter forgot the man seated next to him for a moment, and found himself enjoying the great beauty of the violin. Each violinist seemed to be playing off each other, complimenting one another seamlessly; the sound so soothing to the soul. Glancing at the great violinist seated next to him, he was surprised to see him grimacing. 'How can he POSSIBLY not be
enjoying this!?' He thought to himself. But true to his word, he remained silent. As the concert continued, the same scene repeated itself; the reporter loving the music, the violinist frowning.
As the concert concluded to a standing ovation, the radio was turned off, and the reporter took the opportunity to question the violinist. "I thought the concert was beautiful. But it seemed as though you disliked the performance....?" The great violinist turned to the reporter, and explained: "You are an amateur, and therefore enjoyed it. I am an expert, and noticed that this musical piece was supposed to be played with 15 violinists. There were only 14, and the piece was off. This is what ruined it for me."
Such a big world. Full of noise and action.
But where does little me come in?
"Front and center" - says G-d. Without you, the concert is ruined.
On one hand, the world doesn't revolve only around me and my needs. I must appreciate the individual song every soul plays.
But I must always remember that my song - my soul and its purpose in this world - is a unique, central one.
One so vital that, without it, the entire symphony of history
becomes ruined. The grand purpose of all of creation can only be completed through me. Otherwise, why did G-d Find it so necessary to create me?
Shabbat Shalom (and an easy fast)!
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