"De'nashki shmaya v'arah ahadadi" - Where Heaven and earth kissed. - The Talmud
The ultimate bond, the ultimate revealed connection between man and G-d, was expressed in the Beit Hamikdash - the holy temple
in Jerusalem (where the golden kippah is now :).
How do we see this aspect of connection in the temple?
The words of the Rabbis in the Talmud are known to always be exact. So the choice of language to describe the temple as a place,
"Where Heaven and Earth kissed," can't be just metaphorical, but rather an exact description of what the temple represented.
The mouth of a person is one's ultimate vehicle for expression and bonding. A kiss bonds 2 people. Speech as well connects two people. The mouth also connects by eating; an action which connects one's soul with one's body. Without it the soul would leave.
The temple was this connection between two sides: G-d and the world.
We therefore see these 3 activities of the mouth. Kissing - The intimate connection between G-d and the world/His People occurred here.
"Eating" - as seen by the sacrifices offered daily, was an act commanded by G-d in order to keep His Presence (Shechinah) invested in the world - this is where the world, so to speak, ate! Where the ultimate "soul" - G-d's Presence - was made to be attached to the body of the world (like we said regarding a soul staying in a body). And Speech - Where was G-d's Voice Heard from? From between the 2 kruvim (cherubs) over the ark, in the innermost chamber of the temple.
Now these 2 golden kruvim, one shaped like a female child's face, and one like a male child's face (the reason why, by the way, secular art depicts angels like children), was where the ultimate connection between the Jewish People & G-d took place. We are taught that when our relationship with
G-d was good, the angels faced each other in an embrace. When our relationship was weaker, they turned away from each other. On Yom Kippur, the Kohen Gadol would open up the inner curtains so that all the people could see the kruvim in embrace.
1,941 years ago, because of our immoral ways, G-d allowed the Romans to ransack Jerusalem and destroy our temple.
As they took all of the spoils, the Romans dragged the 2 kruvim in the street. At the point which would seem to be the lowest in the Jewish
People's connection with Hashem, as the temple burned and the Romans dragged the kruvim - they were seen to be in embrace.
G-d Was telling us: "Throughout your exile, until the 3rd temple is rebuilt and the final redemption ushered in, do not worry. We will
always be in embrace."
May it happen speedily in our days!
Shabbat Shalom!
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