It's interesting to note that the Jewish People have always been likened to the moon. It's not so hard to see why. Just as the moon waxes & wanes, shines bright & then goes dark, so too goes the Jew throughout history. We've gone from the highest of times to the lowest, and back again, seemingly in constant flux throughout time.
Fascinatingly, like the moon which waxes for the 1st 15 days of the month, the Jewish People rose in spiritual stature & greatness for its 1st 15 generations - from Abraham to King Solomon. We had then reached our fullness, like the full moon, shining G-dliness into the world through the Bait Hamikdash - the temple in Jerusalem. It was the most peaceful time in our history. It is told that massive groups of visitors to Jerusalem would convert en masse after witnessing the miracles of the temple & the great Jewish stature.
Our Sages say that, miraculously, the moon was always full during the reign of King Solomon.
Also, it's notable that the light we see from the moon, is really just a reflection of the light from the sun. So too, it is taught, a Jew's mission in life is to reflect the light of G-d into the world. By reflecting Torah and its values into our lives and beyond ourselves into the world around us, we fulfill our role as a "Light unto the Nations." (Isaiah 42:6)
We have to be proud and shine bright, with the conviction that what we shine is not our own - but the truth of G-d.
May the time soon come, when we wax to our brightest, with the final redemption now!
Shabbat Shalom!
P.S. I believe this is a must see when you have the time, & is very connected to this idea - Mayor Corey Booker Speaking @ Chabad
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