In the past weeks, we've discussed concepts relating to the 'Beit Hamikdash' - the temple in Jerusalem. True, Judaism emphasizes that it is of vital importance to always remember the temple and its destruction, even at the most joyous of times (think of the breaking of the glass cup at weddings). However, there is a special time to focus on the temple and how we need it back. It is known as the "3 weeks," which culminates in the 9th day of the Hebrew month of "Av" (this Mon. Night - Tues. Night), a day where Jews worldwide fast; spending the day in prayer, and reflecting on the Temple and its destruction.
Many people may have a problem with this idea. A very obvious question may arise. Aren't there more important things to worry about in this world!? Stuff that's a tad bit more important than a house with sacrifices, incense offerings, and music? The world is full of calamities and sadness!
Tsunamis, earthquakes, crime, depression. Let's just focus our energy and emotion toward asking G-d for a cure to these ills of the world! Why waste so much time & devotion toward petitioning for the rebuilding of this structure in Israel?
Our Sages approach this question with a simple analogy.
"A human being is a miniature world."
Imagine an ailing person who goes to the doctor, complaining of pain in his legs & left arm. He also has a headache and back pain. Exasperated, he turns to the doctor for the diagnosis. "It's your heart," he says. "Once we cure the damage in your heart and heal its ability to pump blood sufficiently throughout your body, your other ailments will instantly cease."
The holy temple in Jerusalem was the heart of the world. The spiritual driving force. The source for the pain and confusion, disharmony and sadness in the world, is the heart. The world needs a temple to be healthy and happy. We need G-d to be Revealed to us. "Evil" can only exist where G-d Hides His Face. Once revealed, all negativity falls away.
We are taught that on the Shabbat before the 9th day of Av, the temple appears to us as a vision in our sleep. May we see the temple while awake, in all of its glory, speedily in our days! :)
P.S. To see my interview from CNN last year on the 9th of Av at the Western Wall, see here
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