Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What's so great about Children?


The love the Lubavitcher Rebbe had for children was legendary. In his
eyes the holiest members of the Jewish people were our youth. Whenever
a young boy or girl waved to the Rebbe, his face would light up
immediately and return the wave.
The Rebbe spoke and wrote countless times about the power of a child's
simple prayer or thought, emphasizing the importance of every Jewish
child's action-more important than the most venerable Rabbi could hope
to achieve.

What is it about children that we love so much? Sure they're cute, and
ask funny questions, grinning from ear to ear without their 2 front
But if we look a little bit deeper, what essential value do young
children have compared to their elders? Why should children be valued
more than a teenager or adult in any way? Shouldn't it be the
opposite, considering the fact that the older a person gets, the more
he has worked on himself to realize what is truly meaningful &
worthwhile in life? A child has never really faced the world or
thought about what is truly important...

The Rebbe explains that a father loves a son naturally, and his young
son loves his father by his very nature too. Why? Because that's just
the way it is. The son comes from his father's essence (as explained
in the Chassidic works) and both feel an essential bond for that very
What happens though when the son grows older? Both the son and his
father begin to feel love for each other based on reason and
understanding also. I love my father because he does so much for me
and really cares, and there's even a commandment in the Torah to
respect my parents. I love my son because he's so warm and smart, with
a great smile and he treats his sister so nicely. Of course each loves
one another intrinsically still for no reason at all, but now this
love is more hidden by the love based on reason.
The source for this relationship between father and son, Kabbalah
explains, stems from G-d's Intrinsic Love for the Jewish People. "You
are children to the L-rd your G-d." (Devarim 14:1) When Yisrael was
a youth did I Love him, and from Egypt I called forth my child."
(Hoshea 11:1) "The children I have raised and exalted." (Yeshayahu
1:2) These are a few of the many places in scripture where we see this
loving relationship expressed. Sure we have to serve G-d through
prayer and Torah study, meditating upon His Blessed Greatness which is
beyond our wildest imaginations, growing continuously in our efforts
to reach closer to our King.
But the simple, intrinsic bond between father and son, rooted in that
of G-d and His People, must be forever cherished.

Shabbat Shalom

Friday, February 15, 2008

How to Stop the Mighty Ego


"I was here 1st!" "I don't think he knows what he's talking about
anyways." "I don't have time for this." "I can't believe he swerved in
my lane!"

Many words like these are spoken or at least thought of almost every
day by each one of us. We all know how very hard it is to leave room
for another person. Why are we like this? Why do we feel annoyed with
others when our "space" is entered? Whenever our ego or outlook is
Interestingly, Chassidic Philosophy addresses this issue, explaining
that there is an extremely deep source for these egocentric feelings:
G-d Himself.

Before the world was created; before any angels or spiritual worlds
existed, there was only One Being and Existence: G-d. As Kabbalah &
Chassidus explain, G-d and His "Infinite Light" (expression) Filled
all. There was none other Besides for Him. Purely Infinite, without
room for any other existence.

Then something unbelievable occurred: G-d Decided to Contract (Hide)
His Infinite Light (called "tzimtzum" in Kabbalah), making possible
room for another existence. Spiritual worlds ensued, followed by the
physical reality we see today, concluded finally with man and woman,
created in the Image of G-d, placed here on our earth.
Since we are all created in the Image of G-d, Chassidus explains, we
humans have (so to speak) the same feelings as G-d Does: Each of us
feels in a way, that we are infinite. I am all that exists. Oh, but
you exist too? You're only a detail in me. How do you better help me?
In imagination, there are people who feel that they don't end. Adam
the first man had everything he could have ever wanted in the Garden
of Eden. Only 1 thing was off limits! But Adam felt infinite...
True this is my nature; but G-d Created me this way; I'm in His Image!
So how can I be expected to limit myself and make room for others?
Because G-d Did just that. By "Contracting" His Infinite Light, G-d
Gave us a lesson and the ability to do the same.
We are able to, and need to, contract our egos and make room for
others around us. This is the Only chance at having a true
relationship with another person; a friend or colleague, a spouse or
family member. To be silent once in a while. To sit and listen
attentively to another.
This also applies to our relationship with G-d; To curb our egos and
realize there's someone Greater than ourselves, Greater than our
little world, who is Speaking to us all the time, but we just never
took a minute to stop and listen. To stop and think for a moment: why
am I here and what's this amazing world for?
Like our forefather Avraham of old, let's sit alone in nature: near
the constant beating of the ocean waves under the setting sun, or
anywhere away from school, the computer or TV, and gaze out at G-d's
amazing creation for a second. It can be while lighting candles before
Shabbat or during prayer, or even under your covers before falling
asleep: Let's be silent for a moment. take a second out of our busy
day and just wonder: What am I here for and what's this all about?
I wasn't always here. I was created. Why?
By placing ourselves to the side a bit and opening our hearts to G-d
and to those around us, may we merit everlasting Peace and Joy with
the Final Redemption with Moshiach Now.
Shabbat Shalom


If you want to see a short and touching video of kindness: