Now, before you judge me, know this: the water's cold! And when you're bad at surfing, it ain't fun either! But I know, I know. No excuses. I must repent. But I had a Q: what was so special about the ocean, that it pulls so many people to it, like a magnet? This past week, I spoke to a friend about the wonder of the ocean's waves & the feeling of a surfer, and gained a great insight into the ocean's spiritual force and the life lessons we can learn from Surfing. As the Chassidic Rebbe - the Baal Shem Tov - often said: "Every single thing that a person sees or hears, is an instruction to him
in his service of G‑d."
As a surfer sits on his or her board, drifting, waiting to catch a wave, there is only the present. NOTHING else in the world exists now; no materiality that usually holds sway on our lives, matters at this time. Just the endless ocean. The perfect, beautiful, infinite ocean. {Like when praying/connecting to G-d, trying to form a bond with His Infinite Being. No material distractions matter right now.
Just you and Him}.
The ocean feels like it's being pulled and moved by an inexplicable hidden force that you can't see, but can feel. {Like the events of our lives. We think we're the only ones in control, but deep down we sense a Higher plan, dictating the events & direction our lives are taking}.
As the wave rises you, you know this: either you're heading for the ride of your life {all of the openly positive events in life}, or you're wiping out, sometimes lightly, sometimes hard {like the life lessons we get, occurrences that don't appear very good at all}.
But at the end of the day, if you know you've given it your all, and you attempted to surf; to experience that which was greater than yourself, you leave the ocean a new person: relaxed, on a spiritual high, ready to live on a higher plane. {Like after a good spiritual experience, in learning Torah, praying or performing a Mitzvah).
By delving into Jewish spirituality, as well as the beauty of nature G-d Has Created, one is headed toward a good feeling of spiritual equilibrium.
But with my newfound interest in surfing kindled, who's got the patience to teach me when I get back home? ;)
Shabbat Shalom!