The other night, I was reading a great book, entitled: The Committed Life, by Rebbetzin Ester Jungreis, a holocaust survivor and world touring lecturer. While being a nice and insightful read through and through, I'll focus here on one part of the book. The Rebbetzin describes how her outreach organization, Hineni, first
began with a monumental initiative. Her idea was to gather Jews living throughout New York City, to gather in Madison Square Garden for an inspirational Jewish program. At first, she says, she almost jokingly came up with the idea. But as the idea began to pick up steam, she signed a contract, and soon realized she was in over her head. How could she have taken on such a monumental task? And what if she failed? What if the stadium was empty?
Her husband consoled her by citing examples in the Torah that exemplified the verse, "And G-d Will Bless you in all that you do." (Deuteronomy 15:18) Meaning that our job is to do, to act correctly, and the rest of it, the success, lies in G-d's Hands. He Can only Help that which we do; we must make an effort. Oftentimes if our intentions are good, our success will immeasurably outweigh our initial efforts and our wildest dreams. 'Remember the daughter of Pharaoh who went down to the river to bathe. She saw a small basket floating on the water with a child in it. She wanted to pull it to shore, but the basket was too far out. Nevertheless, she reached out, and miraculously her arm extended and she brought little Moses to dry land. You need only reach out, and G-d Does the rest.
Prior to David becoming king, the Jewish people were challenged by Goliath. The men of Israel froze in terror. King Saul offered his armor to the man who would fight the giant, but still there were no takers until David came forth. David was short and stocky, while Saul was a tall, imposing figure. Saul's armor couldn't possibly fit David! But miraculously, when David donned the armor, it fit like a glove. And the rest is history...'
Often we feel similar to the Rebbetzin when undertaking a new path or project. But if it's the right thing to do and you go for it, with full trust in G-d, He Shall Bless you in all that you do.
Shabbat Shalom!
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