Thursday, January 3, 2008

Total Trust - a lesson from Oklahoma

The other night I heard a beautiful story from Rabbi Weg, Chabad
"shaliach"(emissary) to Tulsa, Oklahoma. He described how tough the
situation was for him and his wife there, when they first arrived.
(One can imagine Oklahoma wouldn't be the easiest place to find Jews
and be successful financially, etc.)
Every holiday, when he would send out invitations to the Jews of
Oklahoma to come over to celebrate, he would also send a copy to "770"
in Brooklyn, NY, to the Lubavitcher Rebbe (who sent him to Oklahoma in
the 1st place)...
After Sukkot 1 yr. (in the fall), R. Weg was having an especially
tough time. He had little support, no $, and even if he did have, the
city wasn't cooperating much to allow for his public activities
anyways. This bleak period was only getting tougher as "Adar" came
around (Spring time). One day, R. Weg received in the mail an RSVP
envelope to his Sukkot invitation! An RSVP 5 mo.'s late seemed
unusual. The letter was from 770. Eagerly opening the letter, R. Weg
found a dollar bill (The Rebbe would often give dollars out to be
given to charity) and a note, which read:
"In G-d we trust."
Rabbi Weg realized the message the Rebbe was telling him: No matter
how tough times may seem, a Jew must trust in G-d, and realize that
G-d Is truly the only One in Control.
(By the way, R. Weg said if the note had come a month earlier when
times weren't as bad, he would've thought it was nice. The Rebbe
somehow knew exactly then he needed this message most).

This is something we can all learn from. We must always trust in G-d,
our Father and Creator. Regarding 'Trust', Chassidic Philosophy
revealed a special secret, hidden from past generations. That when one
decides to think good, it will therefore be good (in yiddish: "Tracht
gut, Ve'zine gut"). Meaning, that if 1 thinks positively, putting
total trust in Hashem-realizing truly that He Is the only Decider in
the world, then NO matter what situation you are in, whether you are
"deserving" or not, Hashem Will Help you succeed! In "reward" for your
trust in Him, for your working to realize the truth, for going beyond
the worldly norms of logic, measure for measure G-d Goes beyond the
"norms" of nature for us, whether we are deserving or not. SO
remember, no matter the situation we are in, we must make sure to
always put our total trust in G-d. If we make this a habit, a state of
mind throughout
our days always, then life will be much more true, and much more

*Parenthetically: [Ideally, Chassidus explains, one has to work to the
pt. where it is real by us in our hearts and minds, that no sickness,
enemy, or other has ANY independent power-rather it is only G-d. There
are no "middle men". And that which G-d is Doing is actually a hidden
good! But since we want revealed good, in a way that we can understand
it as good, we must have trust in Hashem that He Will Help us in a way
of Revealed Goodness. Also, we must continue to serve G-d through
Torah & Mitzvot, making natural vessels for His Good Will, not only
depending on good to come without any service]. If you have any
further Q's, feel free to ask.
-Adapted from Likkutei Sichot of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Book 36, 1st
sicha in Shemot

Shabbat Shalom!


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