Monday, September 1, 2008

The King is in the Field

Hey everyone, just wanted to share a quick thought for this upcoming Hebrew month of "ELUL"-
Today is "alef Elul"-the 1st day of the last month of the Hebrew calendar. Elul is usually known merely as the month
before the month of "Tishrei"-the month packed with all of our famous Jewish Holidays: Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot.
So Elul could tend to be overlooked :( or used just as a month of preparation for the holidays..........
But wait just a minute! chassidus teaches in way of a parable, that the month of Elul is likened to a king who, on his way to the big city and his palace, makes a stop in the fields. Any simple person of any stature can come and greet their beloved king- What an amazing opportunity!
Unfortunately, the king soon leaves to hius palace, and is found only in his innermost chambers, and only with special permission. This is Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. In Elul G-d (the 'King') Makes Himself more accessible so to speak, for us to connect to Him. This month starting today is a very special and unique time, to pray to G-d and to think a bit about this past yr. Where we've done well, where we've failed, and how we can improve to become a better person, friend, spouse, and Jew. This month the King is in the Field and we have to take advantage-seize the opportunity and spend more time on what matters deepest. To strengthen our connection to G-d and develop who we are as people. Elul in Hebrew stands for: 'Ani L'dodi V'dodi Li'-"I am to my Beloved, and my Beloved is to me." Let's do a few more mitzvot, like wrapping Tefillin for men, and lighting candles for women on fri. (contact me for any help on this:), and while doing so let's stop to think a bit about G-d, family, and life. 3 things the Rabbis tell us to increase int his month are: 1) Prayer. 2) Charity. 3) Learning Torah.
Wishing you all success in everything, and a great Elul!

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