I hope this e-mail finds you in good spirits!
We have just entered the Hebrew month of Adar, a month which the Talmud says about it: "Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B'simcha" - "When Adar begins, increase in joy."
Joy is not reactionary, as many of us think, but proactive. We often think:That new thing I'm waiting to get will make me happy. But the truth is, we have to work internally on our joy. Each of us has the ability to think about that which we can be happy about. And we're actually obligated to do so! "Serve G-d in joy" - Psalm 100.
Our Jewish Belief is that G-d Controls & Causes all that happens to us. Therefore there is a reason and plan for everything
that occurs in our lives. And at any moment, we can be shown to see this plan revealed in an openly good way to our naked eyes.
If we pray and put our trust in G-d - all that seemed bad, can prove to all along have been for the good.
This is the story of Purim.
If you don't know the Purim story (click: Purim), here's what happened in short: In 4th century BCE, the Persian King Ahasuerus, who practically ruled the entire world at the time, was convinced by his evil advisor Haman to issue a decree against all the Jews to be destroyed. After the Jewish people heard about this, they turned inward and decided to return to G-d. They cried out to Him, pleading to reawaken their relationship. The King's Jewish queen, Esther, was then able to successfully change the King's mind, and he issued a new decree for the Jews to defend themselves. The Jews throughout the lands subsequently won a short war, a victory which we celebrate the day of - ever since...
Haman was going to the royal feast with the King & Queen. The edict with the King's seal against his enemy Mordechai and the rest
of the hated Jewish People was soon to be carried out. Gallows, 50 feet high had been erected, awaiting Mordechai's public hanging.
All seemed pretty bleak for the avg. Jew on the street.
But the Jewish People had one last secret weapon...
The same G-d Whose Name isn't mentioned ONCE in the entire Purim story. How strange?
But that's the whole point.
G-d's Name Isn't mentioned in our lives either.
He's Hidden. Discreet. Moving behind the scenes.
But He's Running the whole show.
At the royal feast, Haman was accused by a Jewish girl who somehow ended up Queen before he even dreamed of his evil plan.
The edict was torn up. Haman was hung on the very same gallows he had originally erected for his enemy.
Evil was shown for what it truly was, and good triumphed for all to see.
"For the Jews there was light, joy, gladness,
and honor." (Megillat Esther 8:16)
And all the while, G-d Hid in the background,
His Name not mentioned even once.
And after it was all said & done, everything seemed to have gone
back to normal.
But it's apparent to us every year when we re-read the story of Purim, that G-d Peaked out from behind the curtain
of "nature," telling His People and the world:
"Don't worry. Don't forget, I'm Behind it all."
Why do you think there's such an emphasis on eating hamantaschen
on Purim, a cookie which hides the sweetness inside of it?
Or why everywhere dresses up in costumes, which hides the real
person behind it?
It's because the events of Purim signify to us that G-d Is Behind all of the events in our lives, and there is a sweet
reason behind each & every thing. This is why we celebrate
(and say l'chaim on reality impairing liquids) on Purim,
to remember that the facade of this independent,
physical world is just a mask with a certain Reality Hiding behind it.
At this time of year, let's celebrate this knowledge that everything
happens for a reason - a good reason.
Q: And what happens when everyone at the party realizes who
the person is behind the costume and mask?
A: He removes them. Because there's no purpose anymore in hiding!
The story of Purim is being written today in the events of our lives -
that each event needed to be to help reach to the final,
sweet outcome.
May we all work on realizing G-d's Presence in our own lives -
even while He Hides behind the mask of nature.
And once we do this - may it bring Him to Remove His then
useless mask -
with the coming of Moshiach & the Final Redemption
speedily in our days!
Shabbat Shalom!
S. Diego, CA
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