Friday, October 7, 2011


The primary theme of Rosh Hashanah, as mentioned last week, is to make G-d our king. Deciding whether to serve Him as our King. On Yom Kippur, however, we focus now on the next step: how we serve G-d.

There was once a King who had a favorite adviser, who was Jewish. The other gentile advisers were very jealous of him. So they plotted to slander him to the King. They knew that the Jew had told the king how much money he owned, which was different to the true amount, so they informed the king of this lie. Upon hearing this, the king called his favorite advisor and gave him a chance to set the record straight. “I have $2,000 dinars,” said the Jewish adviser. “I’m surprised,” said the king. “I heard that you’re worth 10,000 dinars.” “2,000”, reiterated the Jew. “I’m shocked and angered by your lies!” said the king. “I will have all your possessions taken from you, and you will be sent to prison.” As the Jew was being led out, the king stopped him and said: “I have one question I want to ask you. How could you lie like that to me? I’ve always trusted you!” The Jew responded: “I didn’t lie. The 2,000 dinars I said that I owned, refers to the 2,000 dinars I’ve given to tzedaka, charity, during this past year. That money is mine. The rest of the money isn’t mine. And the proof is that you’re able to take it from me whenever you want! So was it ever really mine?” The king was very impressed, and released his adviser.

We sing, we dance, we speak and we think. But to whom do these abilities & talents really belong to? A brilliant musician, a pretty face, an intelligent mind; all that one has is really just a gift, one that was given & can be taken at any time. Our very bodies, our speech; all is a gift. Yom Kippur is an opportune time to think about all that we have. And to realize that, if I've gotten everything from Him, how have I repaid Him? Do I still feel comfortable with how I’ve treated Him back? On Yom Kippur, we don’t think about our sins all day, dwelling on the negative. Rather, we think about our relationship with G-d. Considering all that He does for me, is there perhaps more that I could be doing to reciprocate in my relationship with Him? Acting in consonance with the truth that all that I have is a free gift, given for a purpose? My brain, mouth, heart, eyes, hands - are on loan to be utilized in a positive direction; a direction that the one who gave it to me in the 1st place would be proud of.

Let's use out this special 24 hr. time slot, when the power on high shines down on our souls, awakening our natural connection to the Giver of all life. Let's choose a small moment during the incessant prayer period & tiresome fasting, to reflect on all the good that we have and how we can improve. G-d isn't looking down sternly at us. He is smiling at us, at the efforts we make to be good in spite of tough challenges. At the efforts we make to stay connected to Judaism even after all of these years of exile. Let's take advantage and reconnect, infusing in ourselves the spiritual power to succeed in the coming year.
May you have an easy fast and a sweet year! And please forgive me if I have wronged you in any way.


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